
Clients - Help is at hand.

This is the fastest most direct route to help with a Delegator service. Contact Us to arrange a support callback.

New to Delegator?

Web Application slow? Hacked? Outgrown your shared host? Need end user support? PCI-DSS network and firewall requirements? Contact Us to arrange a consultation with an experienced engineer.


No-code has revolutionised software development, placing the power to develop applications in the End-User's hands. This is an unstoppable trend that is in Open Source and Cloud products.

If you have a WordPress site, the job of designing responsive that used to cost 1000's is now a drag and drop operation in WordPress. Delegator encourage clients to use no-code and lo-code solutions to do additional processing with Data from Delegator Cloud products.

  • WordPress - Maintain your WordPress site
  • PowerApps - Build your first SharePoint App